Life is a journey and certainly not without mishaps and mistakes along the way. I tell my girls that the only real mistake is not...
One can only hope that as we get older we get wiser, we narrow down our focus to what really matters and spend time learning,...
5 seconds of bravery!
Your teachers are all around you... take the time to see them and learn. The more present I become, the more clearly I am able to see. ...
What are you hiding?
It is interesting to think about and then challenge ourselves about how honest we are actually being. I am not referring to outward...
What if...
This phrase "what if..." keeps running through my head. In the months that I have worked with this idea I am amazed how perspective...
What is your "story"?
I was introduced to this concept by one of my brilliant mentors Saren, the idea of "the stories" that we tell ourselves over and over...
Live your dreams
I will admit a weakness... animals! I have always loved them and have no question they have taught me more than I can ever imagine. ...