# 3 Communication
Here we go, #3 of the 10 Characteristics and Qualities of a Good Leader Integrity Delegation Communication Self-Awareness Gratitude...
Integrity and Leadership
If you know me, you know that the concept of integrity is at the forefront of my work and personal values. I have found that it is the...
How to Create Meaning for Yourself and Others
My wonderful colleague, Karl, just introduced me to the acronym V.O..C.A. to summarize the challenges and culture that leaders are...
Be Aware of Confirmation Bias
This is fascinating… I have always associated confirmation bias (CB) with a specific issue or topic which supports my point of view. ...
When Being “Right” Does Not Serve You or Others
Many, many years ago I worked as a personal assistant, I did all sorts of things, one of which was wrapping my bosses’ family’s Christmas...
Harness Intrinsic Motivation for Success
I choose to believe that you are not a product of your circumstances. You have the ability to do and be whatever and whomever you wish....
Before You Execute, Consider This.
Executional leadership is defined as “having a strategic mindset and the leadership skills to perform a function, implement a process or...
The Gift of Inspiration
One can only hope that as we get older we get wiser, we focus on what really matters, and spend time learning, questioning, and...
How to Harness Ambition
A recent article in the New York Times titled The Age of Anti-Ambition, describes our current workforce and the lack of emotional and...