Self-regard vs. Selfish...
This may be one of my favorite words! self-regard: (noun) the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect. A sense of one's own dignity...
How to Find Confidence in Conflict #1
Imagine if your relationships were not limited by the fear of conflict or creating tension. Rather, you felt confident in leaning into...
How to Find Confidence in Conflict #2
I recently introduced you (in previous post) to Kwame Christians’ three strategies in feeling more confidence in conflict. Acknowledge...
“Competition reduces the caring capacity”
A dear friend of mine sent me this insightful and intriguing audio blog about The Serviceberries: An Economy of Abundance, a beautiful...
What Others Can See in You, That You Can Not
I am a romantic at heart, today I stumbled across a pile of love letters from years ago. As I read these beautiful notes I was struck by...
You Are Worthy
We have reviewed several of the Positive Intelligence saboteurs and now...The Hyperachiever is here!! I would imagine that most, if not...
How Judgment May Backfire on You
The concept of Positive Intelligence is to not only become aware of our behaviors if left unattended but also to develop mental muscle to...
Let Up and Gain More Control
Is being a controller serving you well? Who do you want to be and what are you prepared to do to get there? Many of you let me know that...
When “good enough” is perfect!- "The Stickler" broken down.
In Positive Intelligence there are 10 identified “saboteurs”; these are behavioral and cognitive traits that shape the foundational...
The Importance of Thinking About Your Thinking
Met·a·cog·ni·tion noun: awareness and understanding of one’s own thought process.It refers to the processes used to plan, monitor, and...