#1 Integrity: 10 Foundations for Leadership
Building upon last week's writing I will begin with the first of ten foundations of leadership. Integrity Delegation Communication...
The 10 Foundations of Leadership
“Leadership” is a variable. It may define what we do or it may define who we are. It is these very questions that so many of you...
How to Prepare For and Have Difficult Conversations
Out of all the topics that come up in coaching, this has to be number one. No matter your profession, education level, or title, having...
Clarity is the Key to Success
There is no faster path to success than creating clarity. While there are many aspects to “clarity” the one I challenge you to think...
Integrity and Leadership
If you know me, you know that the concept of integrity is at the forefront of my work and personal values. I have found that it is the...
Two Words Can Change a Culture
Have you thought or said these words: “it’s their job to do that. I shouldn’t need to say ‘thank you”? I would challenge you to think, do...
How “Letting Go” Might be the Answer
I recently saw this image and it felt so powerful given the state of many organizations. Leaders are struggling with retention, morale,...
Tips for Asking Great Questions
We have been asking questions since the day we could talk but how impactful are these words and are you inadvertently sabotaging yourself...
How to Create Meaning for Yourself and Others
My wonderful colleague, Karl, just introduced me to the acronym V.O..C.A. to summarize the challenges and culture that leaders are...
Be Aware of Confirmation Bias
This is fascinating… I have always associated confirmation bias (CB) with a specific issue or topic which supports my point of view. ...